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Yarin Kaul Icon Tools48.png ToolYarin Kaul Icon ArrowSquare32 left.png Back
Information 16x16.png Type:Constraint tool
link={{{PAGENAME}}} Primary fire:Creates a pulley point.
Wrench orange.png Secondary fire:No action
Page white text.png Notes:-


Creates a pulley system between props and ragdolls using a rope.


  1. Spawn two props/ragdolls
  2. Shoot the first object
  3. Shoot a point on the map or some prop to create the first pulley point
  4. Shoot another point on the map or some prop to create the second pulley point
  5. Shoot the second object
  6. Pulley! The two objects will now operate as though a rope is attached to the first object, threaded through the two pulley points, and then attached to the second object (i.e. pulling down on one object will cause the other to move up)

Those are the basics on how the pulley constraint tool works.


Force limit 
The amount of force it takes to break the constraint. 0 never breaks.
Rope width 
Width of the rope. This is a cosmetic setting and has no effect on the behavior of the pulley system.

Useful hints

Axis Ball Socket Adv. Ball Socket Easy Ball Socket Elastic Hydraulic Keep Upright Motor Muscle Nail Pulley Rope Slider Weld Easy Weld Winch

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