Fretta variables

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This article will briefly explain the variables and toggles used in Fretta to change certain aspects of your gamemode without any additional code.

Variable name Type Default Description
GM.TeamBased boolean true Determines if the gamemode uses teams.
GM.AllowAutoTeam boolean true Allow players to auto assign teams?
GM.AllowSpectating boolean true Allow players to join spectator?
GM.SecondsBetweenTeamSwitches number 10 Delay between team switches in seconds. Prevents team switch spam.
GM.GameLength number 15 Total game length in minutes.
GM.RoundLimit number -1 Limits how many rounds can be played per game (-1 for unlimited).
GM.VotingDelay number 5 Delay between end of game, and vote. if you want to display any extra screens before the vote pops up.
GM.NoPlayerSuicide boolean false Set to true to prevent players from committing suicide.
GM.NoPlayerDamage boolean false Set to true to prevent players from taking damage.
GM.NoPlayerSelfDamage boolean false Set to true to prevent players from taking damage from themselves (ie. grenades).
GM.NoPlayerTeamDamage boolean true Set to true to prevent team damage.
GM.NoPlayerPlayerDamage boolean false Set to true to prevent player vs. player damage.
GM.NoNonPlayerPlayerDamage boolean false Set to true to prevent players from taking damage from non-players.
GM.NoPlayerFootsteps boolean false Set to true to disable player footsteps.
GM.PlayerCanNoClip boolean false Set to true to allow players to no clip without sv_cheats set to 1.
GM.TakeFragOnSuicide boolean true Should a player have a frag taken away for suicide? Defaults to true.
GM.MaximumDeathLength number 0 Maximum death time in gamemodes where players respawn after death. Players will respawn once over this time.
GM.MinimumDeathLength number 2 Minimum death time. A player cannot respawn until this time has past.
GM.AutomaticTeamBalance boolean false Automatically balance teams?
GM.ForceJoinBalancedTeams boolean true Force players to join the least favourable team? Defaults to true.
GM.RealisticFallDamage boolean false Set to true to use realistic fall damage instead of the fixed 10 damage.
GM.AddFragsToTeamScore boolean false Set to true to make frags count in the team's score.
GM.NoAutomaticSpawning boolean false Set to true to override the default spawning behaviour.
GM.RoundBased boolean false Set to true if you want round based gameplay.
GM.RoundLength number 30 Duration of a round in seconds.
GM.RoundPreStartTime number 5 Freeze time at the start of a round.
GM.RoundPostLength number 8 The amount of time between winning/round end and a new round starting.
GM.RoundEndsWhenOneTeamAlive boolean true End the round when only one team is left alive?
GM.EnableFreezeCam boolean false Use TF2-style freecam on death?
GM.DeathLingerTime number 4 Amount of time in seconds between dying and going into spectate.
GM.SelectModel boolean true Are players allowed to pick their model in this gamemode?
GM.SelectColor boolean false Can players change their colour? Non-team based modes.
GM.SelectClass boolean false Can players change their class?
GM.PlayerRingSize number 48 Size of ring at player's feet if they're enabled.
GM.HudSkin string SimpleSkin Derma skin used by gamemode.
GM.SuicideString string died String to append player's name when they commit suicide.
GM.DeathNoticeDefaultColor Color 255 128 0 Colour used in death notices for entity kills.
GM.DeathNoticeTextColor Color 255 255 255 Colour to use for text which aren't names or entities.
GM.ValidSpectatorModes table N/A Table of OBS_MODEs which the player can use while spectating.
GM.ValidSpectatorEntities table N/A Table of entity class names a player can spectate.
GM.CanOnlySpectateOwnTeam boolean true Can players only spectate their own team? This also disables free roam.
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