Auto Shooter...Simple

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Last Edit was made on 11/16/2011

This article will teach you how to make a auto shooter for GMod 10.

First, You must have Wire.(Of Course)

Second, Spawn ANY flat prop

Third, Freeze the prop to the ground.

Fourth, Spawn an Gate:Comparison:Equal To. Put this on top of your Prop

Fifth, spawn a ranger on top, facing up, set range to 1000.

Sixth, Spawn a Constant Value of 1000.

..., spawn a Numpad OutPut, set to 8.

then spawn a Turret (normal) set to 8.

Then Get your wire tool, wire on B from the Gate to the Constant

Wire the Numpad Output to the gate

Then wire the Numpad Output to the gate, THIS DIRECTION ONLY.

Last, wire from the gate (A) to the Ranger.

Walk into the ranger, it should shoot the turret.

.:-Message me in GMWiki if you have any problems...........-:.:


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